AI-Enhanced Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Welcome to ThinkTrends, where we amplify the power of RPA with AI. Transcend the limitations of traditional RPA, primarily used for automating repetitive, manual tasks such as mouse clicks and keyboard actions. At ThinkTrends, we offer an innovative approach to RPA that employs an assortment of AI models in a harmonized and logical structure to solve intricate tasks.

AI-Driven Automation of Complex Tasks

Our AI-enhanced RPA facilitates automation of complex procedures that typically require human cognitive skills. By harnessing advanced AI models, we can emulate sophisticated decision-making processes, streamline complex workflows, and solve intricate tasks — all at an impressive speed and accuracy.

Some Use Cases of ThinkTrends AI RPA

ThinkTrends' AI-enhanced RPA has diverse use cases, such as streamlining Cognitive Document Automation (CDA) with advanced language models, optimizing Intelligent Screen Automation (ISA) through computer vision models, and contributing to real-world applications like port and border security, enhancing efficiency and operation management.

Intelligent Screen Automation (ISA) — Enhanced Through ThinkTrends Computer Vision

If RPA is the “robot” and AI the “brains,” then think of ISA as the “eyes” of your customized solution, where if only an image is returned, an average RPA solution would be hamstrung.

With ThinkTrends AI-integration, the task converts to ISA, which uses artificial neural networks to analyze images. ISA automatically creates user interface objects for the robot designer to use in building the software robot (i.e., the RPA solution). The result is a faster RPA and one that does not depend upon screen resolution, menu items, buttons, or other “visual” cues to perform tasks.

Cognitive Document Automation(CDA) Enhanced Through ThinkTrends Language Models

Consider the example of processing structured and unstructured documents and data, manual work that is often overwhelming and a task no RPA solution could handle without massive manual programming. This is transformed with ThinkTrends AI integration.

For example, an average RPA program can open an email message without human interaction; but an AI-powered CDA scans and automatically tags it so the appropriate alerts can be triggered.

AI-Enhanced RPA in the Real World — Port and Border Security

In Los Angeles alone, a record 10.7 million containers (i.e., TEUs) moved through the ports in 2021. While the scanning nowadays can be automated with a little programming, that data must still be manually processed and assessed for risk.

With ThinkTrends AI, however, this overwhelming task becomes quicker, intuitive, and powerfully predictive. Rather than manually reviewing 26,000 container scans per day one-by-one, your ThinkTrends AI-integrated RPA solution can be customized to generate a report indicating which of the containers are likely to be high, medium, and low risk. The saved time can then be used to conduct critical investigations.

Join ThinkTrends today and experience the future of RPA

Our team is dedicated to helping industries reduce manual work in their business functions. We offer technical services to help you leverage AI using Models API to automate manual processes. Together, let's embrace the future of smart automation.